
Frequently Asked Questions

  • How can plus263health help me

    plus263health offers consultations in medical care and gives you access to pharmacies .Plus263health can help you with a wide range of medical needs, from day-to-day medical care, such as medical advice, referrals, prescriptions, to care for chronic conditions such as diabetes and hypertension, which require regular check-ups with a doctor. If you’re not sure what you need, or whether plus263health offers it, start a consultation and speak to a registered doctor

  • What is plus263health

    Plus263health is a platform that uses a website and mobile apps to connect you with a doctor and lets you talk to them using voice, text or video. It provides you with quality medical care and support and is affordable to everyone regardless of geo-location. With plus263health you can get quality healthcare services, including medical health advice, prescriptions and referrals and you have the ability to search a doctor.

  • I need emergency medical assistance. Can plus263health help?

    plus263health is not suitable for emergency medical situations, injuries or mental health emergencies, which require immediate, in-person treatment. If need of emergency assistance please call Police: 995 Ambulance: 994

  • Data is very Expensive what do i do

    Data can be very expensive at times so we have given you the choice to either consult via video, telephone, and whats app video or text. In the future we will integrate other platforms to give you a wide choice and to save you on data. If data is a concern we recommend for you to locate a WiFi signal before you start a consultation.

  • What are the Operating hours for Plus263health

    Doctors availability times are listed on their profile

  • Can Someone use Plus263Health on my behalf

    Yes for parents or legal guardians of minor children, depended children and all under aged children. All you can simply do is select " who will be seeing doctor" select "someone else". We do not allow for plus263health to be used for another adult. If you are paying for another adult we expect you to select the type of visit and give the details of the select visit to the concerned adult.

  • Who has my health data/information

    Plus263health will not know or keep any data in relation to your consultation with your doctor. Doctors will be provided with a patient management platform specifically built to manage their records. This platform will be managed by the Doctors and Practice and housed at the Doctors premise. Other Doctors who have their own patient management software will continue to make use of it. Plus263Health will collect basic demographic information to aid and prepare for your consultation.

  • Who will access my health condition

    Your Doctor will manage and keep all records of your consultation. Under Zimbabwean law, medical doctors are not allowed to reveal the health status of their patients to a third party including that person's spouse without their consent. Plus263health will not have access to this information and will not request this information from Doctor

  • Will treatment be possible without being in the same room as the Doctor or Health Professional

    Yes it is possible, using text, voice and video. Majority of day to day medical conditions can be diagnosed and treated on plus263health. Please note emergency situations like " wound care", emergency medical situations, babies under the age of 2, just to provide a few examples will need to go to the emergency room

  • How long do i have to wait to see a Doctor

    After creating your account, search your Doctor and select the next available appointment.

  • Can i use my medical aid on plus263health

    Currently, we allow you to select your provider and submit to the Doctor when you setup your appointment. We will provide you with an invoice which you can submit to your Zimbabwean medical aid company for reimbursement.